Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hailey loves food!

Heeeeeellooooo fellow foodies of the world! This is so exciting! I have never blogged before, but I am eager to get started. I approve of my father's endearing introduction into who I am, and would add to his bio that he is the coolest dad ever. I have been blessed to have grown up in a home where both of my parents are INCREDIBLE cooks. Dinner time in the hendo home is where I learned an appreciation of food.

I come from a meat and potatoes family, and I love that. I can appreciate a good cut of meat, but I am really picky because the meat industry in our country is so messed up. AKA, I only eat meat when I dad cooks it for me, because he is pro and I would be a fool to turn down one of his meals. When I am in Salt Lake, I dabble in and out of vegan tendencies in my diet, which earns the loving title of "vegan freak" from my dad. What is awesome is that we can still meet in the middle and connect through cooking together and eating together. My dad's favorite food is steak, my favorite food is an avocado. Think we could create a recipe with both ingredients? I am up to the challenge!

Here are a few insights into my most recent culinary experiences, both in and out of my personal kitchen. 

Bloody Mary from the Park Silly Arts Market in Park City, UT

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